Admin18 בספט׳ 2020זמן קריאה 3 דקותAn Awesome and Terrible DayIt’s important to remember this: Rosh Hashana is a day of endings, but also, and perhaps more importantly, a day of beginnings.
Admin12 ביוני 2020זמן קריאה 2 דקותElisha and Moshe: Scouts and a deadly landInstead of a dvar torah this week, here's something odd in Tanakh to consider. This week's parsha is Shlach, which describes the sending...
Admin28 במאי 2020זמן קריאה 6 דקות‘Do not urge me to leave you’ – Shavuot, Bikkurim, Ruth, and IdentityIn many ways, Shavuot is a holiday of identity
Admin24 באפר׳ 2020זמן קריאה 4 דקותTzara’at and the coronavirus: What can quarantine teach us?It turns out that quarantine is not a new idea in the Jewish tradition.
Admin17 באפר׳ 2020זמן קריאה 10 דקותNadav, Avihu, and Uzzah: Fear, Joy, and Honor in the Face of Tragedy"This is what the LORD meant when He said: 'Through those near to Me I show Myself holy, And gain glory before all the people.'"